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Why invest in the DOMOPLAN SICAV, a. s. fund

  • Preferred and guaranteed return for shareholders with preferred, preferential and premium investment shares
  • Minimum return guarantee of 8.0% p.a. (MIN) for PIA, 10.0% p.a. (MIN) for PRIA and 7.0% p.a. for PFIA, even in the event of a lower profit or even loss of the fund. The guarantee is in the form of a redistribution of Fund Capital from the holders of the Performance Investment Shares to the holders of the PIA/PRIA/PFIA, up to the amount of such Fund Capital.
  • You invest exclusively in the projects development projects of DOMOPLAN, one of the largest developers in Brno, which has extensive experience in finding lucrative investment opportunities
  • Investments in real estate with stable value growth
  • Maximum appreciation thanks to the originality of the projects
  • Diversification of investments in various real estate projects, which makes the fund resistant to market fluctuations
  • Stable company with a high reputation with clients, banks and suppliers

Benefits of investing through a qualified investor fund

  • Possible income tax exemption for individuals when redeeming investment shares after 3 years
  • Ongoing control of the handling of fund assets by the depositary
  • Professional background of the fund manager and administrator
  • Verification of accounting values by an independent auditor
  • Regulation by the Czech National Bank
  • Lower, 5% income tax rate for investment funds


According to EU legislation, the PIA investment share class has been awarded a lower aggregate risk indicator (SRI) of 3 (on a scale of 1-7) after 7 years of successful fund activity confirmed by the audited annual report for 2023, i.e. only one thing applies here: 3 is more than 6 and we objectively rank among the most successful and least risky qualified investor funds in the Czech Republic.

More about projects:

2.311 bn
volume of property
1.916 bn
own assets
10.1 % p.a.
evaluation of PRIA

Priority investment shares (CZK)

Minimal investment
CZK 1 000 000
Investment horizon
5 years
Expected appreciation
8.0–8.1% p.a.
Investor’s model profit in CZK

This is a hypothetical return on investment of CZK 1 million, and for the purposes of calculating the model profit, the expected minimum PIA return in the relevant period was used.

Return on shares in CZK
Value as of 30 November 2024
Volume of assets
2,311 mld. CZK
Own assets
1,916 mld. CZK
Appreciation for the last month
0,67 %
Evaluation for last 3 months
2,00 %
Evaluation for last 12 month
8,20 %
Evaluation from the 1st subscription (74 months)
52,37 %
PIA/VIA ratio (fund capital in million CZK)
1 436 / 423,6

Preference investment shares

Minimal investment
CZK 1 000 000
Investment horizon
2 years
Expected appreciation
7.0–7.1% p.a.
Investor’s model profit in CZK

This is a hypothetical return on investment of CZK 1 million, and for the purposes of calculating the model profit, the expected minimum PFIA return in the relevant period was used.

Subscription opened in September 2024.

Premium investment shares

Minimal investment
CZK 10 000 000
Investment horizon
4 years
Expected appreciation
10.0–10.1 % p.a.
Investor’s model profit in CZK

This is a hypothetical return on investment of CZK 10 millions, and for the purposes of calculating the model profit, the expected minimum PRIA return in the relevant period was used.

Subscription opened in September 2024.

Priority Investment Shares (EUR)

Minimal investment
40 000 EUR
Investment horizon
2 years
Expected appreciation
6.0–6.1 % p.a.

Fund parameters

Focus of the fund
real estate and financing of real estate projects
Legal form
SICAV, joint-stock company with variable capital
Fund type
qualified investor fund
Preferred Investment Shares (PIA)
Preference Investment Shares (PFIA)
Premium Investment Shares (PRIA)
Preferred Investment Shares (PIA EUR)
Frequency of subscription of investment shares
Estimated annual yield on investment shares
PIA 8.0–8.1% p.a.
PFIA 7.0–7.1% p.a. (from 5/1/2024 to 12/31/2026), 6.0–6.1% p.a. from 1/1/2027)
PRIA 10.0–10.1% p.a.
PIA EUR 6.0–6.1% p.a.
Repurchases of investment shares
PIA: Up to 9 months from the end of the quarter in which the redemption request was submitted (the shares continue to appreciate for 6 months).
PFIA: Up to 60 days from the submission of the redemption request.
PRIA: Up to 6 months from the submission of the redemption request (the shares continue to appreciate for 3 months).
PIA EUR: Up to 90 days from the submission of the redemption request.
Fund duration
for an indefinite period
Minimal investment
PIA and PFIA: 1 million CZK (or 100,000 CZK in the case of AVANT Flex)
PRIA: 10 million CZK
PIA EUR: 1 million CZK (approximately 40,000 EUR)
Investment horizon
PIA 5 years
PFIA 2 years
PRIA 4 years
PIA EUR 2 years
Entry fee
up to 6%
Repurchase fee, according to the conditions specified in the fund status
0% fee for redemption after 48 months;
4% fee for redemption after 36 months; 6% fee for redemption after 24 months;
8% fee for redemption within 24 months

0% fee for redemption after 24 months;
4% fee for redemption within 24 months

0% fee for redemption after 36 months;
4% fee for redemption within 36 months

0% fee for redemption after 12 months;
4% fee for redemption within 12 months
Management and administration
AVANT investiční společnost, a. s.
Costs of the fund
maximum 3% p.a. from an average asset value
CYRRUS, a. s.
PKF APOGEO Audit, s.r.o.
Supervisory body, legal framework
Czech National Bank & the Czech Republic
Fund appreciation tax
5% of profit
Taxation of shareholders – natural persons
15% when repurchasing earlier than after 3 years
0% when repurchasing after 3 and more years

DOMOPLAN SICAV, a.s. is a fund of qualified investors according to Act No. 240/2013 Coll., on investment companies and investment funds. Only a qualified investor within the meaning of Section 272 of Act No. 240/2013 Coll., on Investment Companies and Investment Funds may become an investor in the fund.

The investment company informs investors that the value of the investment in the fund may fall and rise and that the return of the originally invested sum is not guaranteed. The performance of the fund in previous periods does not guarantee the same or higher performance in the future.

Investment in the fund is intended to achieve a return at medium-term and long-term holding and it is therefore not suitable for short-term speculation. 

Potential investors should especially consider specific risks that may arise from the fund´s investment goals as stated in its Rules. The investment goals are reflected in the recommended investment horizon, as well as in the fees and costs of the fund.

The Fund‘s Key Information Document (KID) is available at In paper form, the information can be obtained at the registered office of AVANT investiční společnost, a.s., CITY TOWER Hvězdova 1716/2b, 140 00 Praha 4 – Nusle. Other important information for investors are available at

More information on Common Reporting Standard (CRS) and Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) available at

This information is intended solely for information and promotional purposes and does not constitute an offer, invitation or recommendation to invest or a proposal to conclude a contract under the provisions of the Civil Code.


Hvězdova 1716/2b, Nusle, 140 00 Praha 4

ID 05670047; File No. B 24494 registered at the Municipal Court in Prague; Data box ID: mrc85c3

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